Monday, April 21, 2008


In common parlance inflammation of joints is known as Arthritis. Though there are 80 types of arthritis, Osterasthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid (RA) are the two principle sub-divisions. The former is a condition that denotes natural wear and tear of joints which often follows ageing. Persons who have suffered injuries previously, either through accidents or sports (known as sports injuries) farming occupation, artists who have to squat due to job compulsions, domestic servants, housewives. OA rarely occurs in young age but is quite common as the age advances. Here, wear and tear of joints is a natural consequence. Ultimately the cartilege weakens and gaps between bones get reduced, resulting in cricking voice on movement or bending the joint. Knees have to mainly bear the brunt of O.A.

Main aim should be to detoxify the body, improve circulation and mobility of joints, at least to the extent that patient is enabled to discharge his normal functions or, at least, does not have to lead an infirm and inactive person's life. The patients are warned not to take recourse to surgical methods, or if that be necessary, it should be the last option, when all other methods have proved futile and ineffective. General principle is to touch the affected joint for surgical operations only when total mobility is lost.


R.A. is an autoimmune disorder where synovial memberanes that line the joints, get inflamed and thickened, leading to pain and deformity of joints. If either of the disorders restricts or impedes physical movement or immobility of the affected joints, the problem becomes compounded. There is pain, swelling, heat and redness on and around the joints and patient's mobility and normal activity is adversely affected.

Ayurvedic Remedies

There are plenty of herbs which have proven Curative faculties. Here some of the curative methods are described in relation as follow -

To remove acidic toxins, crush celery seeds and take as tea ( 5 ml or 1 TSP) which has an alkaline effect. To make the tea much stronger, add Parsley (5ml or TSP ) to it. To make the tea still stronger, add a chopped small piece of ginger to it. Mcadowsweat and Feverfew have better anti­inflammatory properties - Feverfew should be taken in tablet form. Even one can chew 3 fresh leaves of feverfew, but it may cause ulcers in the mouth, hence it is better to use it in tea.

Circulation around the joints can be improved through tissue-cleaning properties of essential oils of Juniper, Cypress and Lemon, whereas oils of Lavender, Rosemary and chamomile have mild analgesic and high anti-inflammatory properties. These oils can be massaged, used by diluting in water before taking bath, or used as a compress over the affect cd parts. It is better to use one or two oils at a time or alternate any other two oils, but over use must be avoided. Rosemary, Marjoram, Ginger, Pepper can be used with advantage to stimulate circulation.

Take 1-2 capsules of cod liver oil daily, use hot/cold water, according to local weather conditions. Food should include plenty of fresh vegetables. Eliminate high carbohydrate-protein and meat diet. Epsom salts (4 TBSP) should be added to bathing water, to reduce inflammation and stiffness of joints. The methods pertain to naturopathy but can be tried to gain better and quicker results.

Extract the juice of carrots and add to it the juice of Karnphool (Dandelion). Have just 5 gms. of carrot juice and add only half of the quantity the juice of dandelion. Drink this combination regularly for at least 15 days for speedier relief. It is also advisable to rub Mahanarayani oil on the joints.

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