Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ayurvedic Mental Therapy For Ailments

Though metals, minerals, gems and jewels are used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine since the Vedic times, it is only in the post-Buddhist period that these have been extensively used in treating various health problems. Several Buddhist saints, like Siddha Nagarjuna, have carried out research on metallic medicine.

According to Ayurvedic treatises, there are seven dhaatus (metals)-gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead and zinc-which are essential elements of the body. Perfect health is attributed to the state of equilibrium of these dhaatus in body tissues. Any imbalance ­ excess or deficiency-disturbs the functioning of the body.


Gold is present in trace amounts in blood, semen, eyes, upper layer of skin and intestines. Imbalance affects vision, causes general weakness in the body, dullness of intellect, loss of imaginative power, voice and general complexion of an individual.


Silver is present in the bone marrow, upper layer of bones, gall bladder, pancreas, inner layers of the skin, lungs, muscles, blood vessels, meninges (the membranes investing the spinal cord and brain), and septum of nose. Imbalance leads to neurological disturbances, problems related to teeth, cataract sores and absorption from gut.


Copper is present in the upper and inner layers of skin, mucosa of soft tissue, large glands, pupil of the eye, hair, pleura and pericardium. Imbalance causes defects in cardiovascular, central nervous and skeletal systems. Deficiency affects production of red blood cells and hair keratinisation. Imbalance causes chronic inflammatory disorders in soft tissues.


Iron is the major constituent of blood, present in the villi of the intestine, pupit hair and in small quantity in all tissues of the body. Imbalance causes arteriosclerosis, anaemia and general debility.


Lead is present in blood and lymphatic tissues. Imbalance causes anaemia, disturbance in gastrointestinal tract due to poor secretion of digestive juices, haemolytic anaemia and ascites.


Tin is present in every tissue. However, it is found more in abdominal muscles, blood and blood vessels, synovial membranes lining the capsule of joints, outer layer of uterus. Imbalance causes malformation in bones, diseases of reproductive tract, affects formation of urine, polyurea and increased perspiration.


Zinc is present in blood, brain, nerve tissue and muscles. Imbalance causes problems related to nervous system like depression, anxiety, dullness of intellect, extreme forgetfulness and irritable temperament.

Every mineral or metal in its native form is basically a biological product and Ayurveda has a way of converting the minerals into a biological form, which can be easily assimilated into the body. There is enough evidence of experiments being conducted on such mineral medicines and they have also been proved to be beneficial.

For example, Journal of University of Health Sciences, Andhra Pradesh, in its second volume, has published a paper on toxicological study of 'rasabhasma', a bio-metallic compound of mercury. It states that, "Rasa bhasma has proved to be an effective haemopoitic drug and a good anabolic agent." Ayurveda uses mineral ash after restoring its biological qualities. Different herbs are brought together and made to react with the mineral by rubbing, boiling or burning together.
According to Ayurveda, swarna bhasma, the calcined powder of gold acts as an antacid, haematenic and alternative. It is useful in tuberculosis, diabetes, anaemia, oedema, epilepsy, skin diseases, general debility, asthma and heart afflictions. Gold is believed to be a wonderful tonic for the nervous system. It is an antidote to poisons, particularly those of bacterial origin. In loss of appetite, cough, asthma, anaemia etc., swarna bhasma can be used as a tonic with adjutants like dried ginger, long-pepper and black-pepper powders. For chronic fever, swarna bhasma in combination with abhraka bhasma can be taken along with honey. Swarna bhasma can be taken with aamla juice in heart diseases; with milk to promote strength and energy; with ghee as an alternative; with padmakesar choorna to improve complexion; with butter, sugar and honey for tuberculosis; with sugar for burning sensation in lower and upper extremities, with vidarikand as an aphrodisiac.

Roupya bhasma, the calcined powder of silver, according to Ayurveda, works as a sedative and aphrodisiac. It gives fair complexion to skin and gives strength to the body. Can be used to cure excessive heat, impotence, seminal weakness. Also used in painful and irritable conditions of stomach. It is also effective in treating leucorrhoea and menorrhagia, arthritis and general debility. Taamra bhasma, the calcined powder of copper is an astringent, sedative, antispasmodic, prescribed in liver disorders, dysentery, anaemia, plague, worms, skin diseases, gonorrhoea and dyspepsia. Calcined powder of iron is called as Ioha bhasma. It is haematenic and restorative, prescribed in anaemia, disorders of liver and spleen, jaundice, oedema and general debility. Naaga bhasma, the calcined powder of lead is prescribed in diarrhoea, tumours, haemorrhoids and diabetes.

Vanga bhasma, the powder of tin, is prominently used in the diseases of genito-urinary organs and in cases of premature ejaculation in men and dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia and infertility in women. It is also used to treat stapylococcal infection in treatment of boils and skin diseases. It is a proven anthelmintic . Yasad bhasma, the powder of zinc is an alterative, diuretic, hypoglycaemic and astringent.

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